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learning is beautiful. studying is not.


"We are not makers of history. We are made by history" - Martin Luther King Jr.


What did the baby polynomial call g(x) when its parent function was g'(x)? Aunty Derivative! (antiderivative)


Organic chemistry is difficult; those who study it have alkynes of trouble. Visit this page if all your science brain cells Argon.


Here's a plethora of resources for when you definitely read those assigned chapters. We also have a variety of study guides, vocabulary lists, and practice tests covering language, etymology, reading comprehension, and writing. 

Chalkboard with Different Languages

¿No puedes hablar español? 你不可以讲中文? We've got your back with our study guides and vocabulary lists.

Education Books Bookshelfs

Miscellaneous subjects and classes.

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