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The People I've Met

A couple days ago, my friend and I were driving around Laguna Niguel (lunch at the Ritz-Carlton!). Although unremitting, the traffic yielded a coveted, evanescent moment to saturate our souls in the deeply rejuvenating summer sun. We seized an opportunity to talk about our five closest friends (of which included him) and how they have shaped us as human beings. As summer winds down and I mentally prepare for junior year of high school, I can’t help but reflect on the most inspiring, supportive, passionate, profound, and absolutely remarkable people I call my closest friends. These people make my heart so warm and their excellence & passion in whatever they do make me feel so full; they are healthy and happy, thriving in their lives. I love these people unconditionally, not only for their heart and mind, but for their amazing talents and leadership; each one of these people have had a substantial impact on our school, yet I get to call them my FRIENDS!!! Oh, how lucky I am.

These are the people I’ve met —

  • One is a brilliant, nationally-ranked archer who travels regularly to compete in competitions, demonstrating an incredibly dedicated work ethic to the sport. He’s so talented. :”)

  • One created a program in India to donate medical supplies in the rural villages and slums of India, and…I think teaches underprivileged kids about science and medicine? I’m not too sure about the exact details, but I am sure that he is an amazing human being. Oh yeah, he’s also been a Science Olympiad legend and co-captain for a bajillion years but it’s nbd. (he’s also my best friend!! :))

  • One is a brilliant creator and artist — she leads our school’s broadcast program and creates beautiful films, is our school’s marching band drum major, and is incredibly talented at the trombone.

  • One is an strong and bold advocate for women’s rights and equality in society. Oh yeah, she’s also crazy good at math. Like seriously. What a goddess.

  • One is an exceptional innovator and is leading a team to create an app for our high school…but I’m not going to go into that too much. It’s a bit of a secret for now He’s also an extremely creative and talented graphic designer & film editor, who inspires me on a daily basis to try new things and expand my learning. He has a knack for resilience and utter optimism.

  • One is a basketball player who has played since he was in elementary school. He has a love and connection for the sport that I don’t find in anyone else.

  • One is a dancer and singer who was our school’s ASB president last year. She is an incredible writer, artist, and most of all encompasses the ideal of a humble yet inspiring leader. Oh, she’s also our school’s anchor for our broadcast show :).

  • One is an insanely skilled debater and leads our debate club at school. She serves as a role model for pretty much all of Portola. She wins first at essentially every tournament, and is an amazing speaker & human being.

  • One is a nationally-ranked fencer who is a brilliant athlete who has an admirable work ethic and dedication to the sport. She’s basically a fencing queen lol. (enough said)

  • One is someone I can talk to for basically everything. She’s been such a supportive person in my life since 7th grade, and provides a valuable and profound perspective on life that I need. She’s so kind and has a beautiful soul. She’s never judged me for anything, and has always had my back no matter how much we have changed, as we inevitably grow up and develop our whole selves.

  • One is our school’s swim team captain and has a fervent intensity and unparalleled work ethic when it comes to his sport. He works hard every day and sets an inspirational example. He’s also this year’s ASB president :D.

  • One is someone that has taught me what it means to be a human being. He has taught me so much emotionally and is someone that, if I strip my soul bare and expose every single vulnerability in my life, he will still view me the same and help me embrace myself. He has taught me about self-compassion, empathy, and what it means to feel and love.

  • One is one of our school’s most talented athletes. He is part of the varsity team for both basketball and volleyball, and inspired me to also pick up track and field on a whim in the middle of sophomore year (but that’s a story for another time). He serves as a role model for pretty much everyone at Portola.

  • One is incredibly skilled at mathematics and is known for his intellectual prowess. He wants to do something in computer science in the future and I know that he will be successful in any endeavor he pursues. He exudes positivity and poise and is the only person that will randomly call me (yes, phones can still call!!) and talk about life for half an hour. He recently went through a transformation (according to him during our phone call LOL), and seeing him thrive and love life makes my heart absolutely full.

The point I’m trying to make is not that they are high-achieving people. The point I’m trying to make is that the people I’ve been so lucky to meet and call my friends are incredible human beings that do things of value to society. They are passionate, creative, intellectual, fun, diverse and beautiful. But here’s the really crazy thing: Each pair (vertical pair, starting from the top) of bullet points describes the same person.

These are the people I’ve met (7 total).

I love them unconditionally.

If you’re reading this and are featured, please know that I love you dearly and am incredibly thankful that you are part of my life. You inspire me every day.

Much love, Steph

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