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The Truth about Self-Love

Disclaimer: Despite being a personal post that not everyone can relate to, I’d like to share this blogpost that I wrote after an epiphany moment in hopes of introducing new perspectives to someone’s life.


I tell people to love themselves, but the truth is, I’m a hypocrite.

To be realistic, and completely, utterly, honest, I don’t love myself. Even though it’s a motto that I admire, respect, and repeat, “loving yourself” isn’t always easy. It’s really hard. Especially if you can’t accept the fact that you’re desperately trying to ignore, whatever that fact is. The thing is, you can actually CHANGE that fact. Quit complaining about your faults, your insecurities, your weaknesses. Accept the reality that you are avoiding, and DO SOMETHING to improve yourself!

For example, even though there’s a lot of things I would like to change about myself, I’ll focus specifically on work ethic.

I’ve always found myself procrastinating on numerous occasions, scrolling idly through Instagram. Since I’m being completely, utterly, honest here, I am technically procrastinating as I write this article.

Even though I’m being very hypocritical at this moment, writing this has helped bring attention to several realizations that I’ve pushed to the back of my mind.

The key to time management is self-control. I could go over the various methods and techniques that could keep you on-task, but it all goes back to how disciplined you are. Sure, the Pomodoro technique is great and all, but the main points that you need to know are:

  1. Have a focused work space without distractions

  2. Use something you’re passionate about to fuel your studying

  3. Be persistent and consistent

Last but not least, please do not give up on your goals.

At times you’ll want to give up

You’ll want to quit

You’ll want to start over

But you can do it! Just believe in yourself! :)

Although you may not realize it, we all have some type of personal struggle. People just deal with their struggles differently. Just because someone seems fine on the outside, they may be experiencing internal conflicts that they’re keeping to themselves.


Recap + random tips that are hopefully helpful :)

  • Nobody’s perfect, we all make mistakes, but it’s not enough to just understand that we can make mistakes, you have to do something to learn from your errors and GROW!

  • Don’t hide behind denial like cyber-bullies hide behind their screens.

  • Stay positive and encourage others to do the same!

  • Moping around doesn’t change anything~find the strength to actually deal with your problems.

  • Tiny baby steps go a long way

  • You have to put in the work.

  • Expect to struggle. A lot.

  • When you truly want something, you can achieve it

  • Be confident; don’t be afraid to try because if you never do, then you’ll never know what you missed out on

  • There’s always opportunities to improve, but you can’t do so without practice and perseverance

  • Don’t let your self-consciousness and willingness to please others get in the way of what you love

  • Do what you want with a passion

  • Step out of your comfort zone

  • Motivation is key

  • Always be kind; you don’t know at all what someone is going through. Behind a face can reveal very different emotions than what they choose to show the world.

  • Love yourself, improve yourself, accept yourself.

  • Instagram

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